Sunday, January 20, 2008

Britney Spears Nude Photo for sale but no one's buying

So you know how Britney Spears was "dating" a paparazzi photographer? And you know how everyone was saying A) she's gross, crazy, and has really lowered her standards (yes, lower than Kevin Federline), and 2) he would obviously take pictures of Britney Spears naked, and try and sell them to the highest bidder? Well, done and done.

Yes, it's true, Adnan Ghalib has pictures of Britney Spears nude, and he's trying to raise some cash to pay for the extensive psychiatric help he will now need after being having been with Britney for about a week and a half.

But wait, it gets so much better than that. The best part? Nobody even wants to buy the pictures. One magazine turned them down saying "the photos weren't any good," reports TMZ. There was one buyer, however. An Australian publication has supposedly paid $57,000 for the pictures.

Remember the days when Britney Spears nude pictures would have sold for millions of dollars, and would have brought the Internet to its knees? Yeah, so do I. And then we all saw Britney Spear's Pussy.

And if you needed another reason to not want to see Britney naked, here's Britney letting her boobs hang low in just the most attractive way.

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