Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Kristy Lee Cook: American Idol already in the Bag?

Kristy was the main feature throughout the American Idol premiere night. I think they promoted her at almost every commercial break.

First thing I have to say is that Kristy is gorgeous. It seemed like the room just lit up when she entered. Another thing the judges picked up on was her sincerity, which in my opinion is hard thing to find in singers these days. It's one thing to have someone sing, and another to have someone sing TO YOU.

While some critics have voiced their concern over her professional background, the following story makes it evident that Cook is far from an established, pampered star:

According to The Seattlest website, Kristy failed her first Idol audition in July in San Diego. From there, she wanted to give it another shot… but couldn’t afford a ticket to Philadelphia.

Therefore, Cook reportedly sold her horse for $3,000. We can’t say for sure if this story is true, but we can prove that Kristy Lee once owned a horse, or was at least pictured on top of one:

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