Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Jenna Jameson Pops out on Cake

Rule #1: Just because Jenna Jameson quit acting in porn, doesn't mean she quit acting like a skank. Rule #2: Just because Jenna Jameson popped out of a cake, doesn't mean she's going to eat any of it.

The former porn queen, and walking testement to everything that's wrong with plastic surgery popped out of a cake at the brithday party for her boyfriend, caveman Tito Ortiz. She then proceded to do a dance, and sit on said cake, which I hope was fake, for the sake of anyone at the party who might actually eat the thing.

I feel kind of sorry for the Tito, though. While I doubt he could really get any woman he wanted, he could club some girl over the head and drag her home, and still do much better than the completely used up, and tossed away Jenna Jameson. Maybe he just enjoys the irony of the fact that the bigger he gets, the thinner she gets.

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