Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Paris Hilton Falls

There are few moments in life as thoroughly fulfilling as watching someone you hate get what's coming to them, and watching Paris Hilton fall on her face has got to be one of the most enjoyable things I've ever seen. Cruel? Yes. Deservedly so? Hell yes!

Paris was in Prague this weekend, and while trying to run from the paparazzi, the ever-coordinated Hilton fell flat on her face, and busted her chin. Gee, you'd think she'd have learned better control over those lanky appendages of her by now.

Embarrassed, Paris once again tried to get away from the paparazzi, but it was no use. Later on, her douchetastic boyfriend, Benji Madden came out to plea with the paparazzi to be nice. We'll let you guess how that went.

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