Saturday, December 29, 2007

Angelina Jolie 2007 Top Goody Celebrity

It is beginning to get really getting tiring constantly seeing, hearing and reading about Angelina Jolie being on the top spot on surveys and lists. There is no denying however that she is one "hot momma", a great actress as well as a very passionate humanitarian so we cant help keeping an eye and keeping ourselves up to date on what Angelina Jolie is up to.

Angelina Jolie, hot mom to the most influential baby in the world, and recently declared the sexiest movie star ever, comes out on top again this year, this time in a survey of the best celebrity do-gooders of 2007. Conducted by Reuters, the survey asked a total of 606 respondents who they thought gave “celebrity humanitarianism" a really good name in 2007. Angelina came out no. 1. The actress has visited more than 20 humanitarian hot spots including Iraq and Darfur since becoming a goodwill ambassador for the U.N. refugee agency in 2001. On a trip to Iraq in August, she appealed for international aid to help millions of displaced Iraqis. Jolie has three adopted children -- from Ethiopia, Cambodia and Vietnam. And she’s in mighty good company, as the people surveyed also named Bono, Desmond Tutu, Bill Gates, Mia Farrow, Don Cheadle, Jimmy Carter and Kofi Annan. Even hubby Brad Pitt made the list.

On the other end of spectrum is Madonna, the worst celebrity humanitarian of the year. Strangely enough, this list also includes Bono, as well as Oprah Winfrey. Not really sure about the last two, but the respondents were surely on to something when they named Paris Hilton too, though it would have been better if she got the top spot instead.

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